Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Confusion: the lack of clearness or distinction

It can be challenging to really know what we want. Our mind says one thing and the heart another. We want what we can’t have, or long for what was. There are very few amongst us who see what lay at their feet. What will our forecast predict? Cloudy with a chance of scattered rain? To know ones’ self is to know our truths, to know our truths is to know our fears, and to know our fears is to know what is ahead.

Free me

Goddess of the Earth lend me your ear
to rid these feelings that I fear,
and as I whisper my deepest truths
may they find there way to you.
With this, I also ask
that you cleanse my heart of glass,
fill my soul with serenity
and put my aching mind at ease.
Once my words find you near
all this darkness shall disappear.
Lady Oanuava come to me,
heal my pain and set me free.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

To choose or not to choose?

Eggs or toast? Jeans or sweats? Car or bike? Hmmm...We will always have to choose no matter what it comes down to in our life, but it is a matter of choosing the right things. We may not be able to choose who our family consists of, or the color of our skin, we can’t even determine the lifestyle we were born into, but the things we can decide are our surroundings and the people we keep around us.

We don’t need negativity in our lives, and 90% of that energy comes from our surroundings. Lets eliminate these adverse commodities from our lives shall we?! We need to become the bigger person and learn to accept ourselves, and in doing so, we will no longer need the acceptance of others and can live freely with our positive decisions.

I don’t know about you, but I CHOOSE to be happy!

Is it really necessary to judge before knowing?

I have been seeing this guy, who is much younger than I, but after a lot of thought, conversations, and debate, have come to the conclusion that we are to good together and just go for it. One problem, his father and brother are not so in on the idea now that we are going for the long hull. Met me all of twice, couple of blond moments, then BAM...I’m stupid and useless. Hmm.. that is quite alright. Instead of thinking about me and how this is making me feel, which is not all that great, I don’t like what they are putting him through. Is it really worth all of this drama? This is the biggest question I ask myself, and the only answer I can come up with is YES. Yes it is worth it. I could care less as to what these minions think of me, I am the bigger person and I will carry on whether they are there or not. They are not worth the drama, but this man IS worth it. I know who I am, and what I am capable of, and those who know me, know me well enough not to judge on first appearances. This world can definitely do without so many infantile adults. If children are our future, then our future is not looking too bright if they don’t grow up! Just walk away, good advice if you ask me. And now, it is time for me to just walk away!