Tuesday, September 21, 2010

To choose or not to choose?

Eggs or toast? Jeans or sweats? Car or bike? Hmmm...We will always have to choose no matter what it comes down to in our life, but it is a matter of choosing the right things. We may not be able to choose who our family consists of, or the color of our skin, we can’t even determine the lifestyle we were born into, but the things we can decide are our surroundings and the people we keep around us.

We don’t need negativity in our lives, and 90% of that energy comes from our surroundings. Lets eliminate these adverse commodities from our lives shall we?! We need to become the bigger person and learn to accept ourselves, and in doing so, we will no longer need the acceptance of others and can live freely with our positive decisions.

I don’t know about you, but I CHOOSE to be happy!

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