Thursday, March 31, 2011

Week Two...


After speaking yet again with my "food guru", we've decided that I should eliminate all grains and dairy for one month. The thought was easy, however putting it into action was entirely different all together. On the dairy side, I have eliminated all of the creamy goodness other than the little bit of coffee mate I use in my coffee.

This past week I have done my routine x2 workouts at Crossfit, my arm muscles are getting stronger and larger, I have substituted many of my meats with protein powder to reach my daily intake percentage. However, the protein powder may not be agreeing with me, for the past week after taking a protein shake, I have been feeling very ill and on one occasion followed through with this outside the subway station. I have been feeling very bloated, and seems that my belly may actually be getting larger. Now my first thought was maybe I was pregnant, but after a pregnancy test showing negative, I am definitely going with the protein powder. I am looking into an organic, higher protein count supplement.

Week two, .5 of a fail but on to a better start.

Week One Workouts

Workouts of the week

Warm ups
2 rnds
Samson stretch
10 air squats
10 pull ups
10 sit ups
10 push ups

Wed March 23
Front squats @ 45lbs
Toe to bar
200m run after each interval

Friday March 25
Back squats
4 rounds for time
500m row
30 sit ups
30 push ups
Total time:23:41

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Week One...

The first few days on my journey to healthy living was confusing and tiring. There are so many diets, detoxes and food choices I had no idea where to start!

I decided to go straight down to basics. Salad with raw veggies and lemon juice, plain oatmeal, egg whites and flat bread. That pretty much sum's up what I ate in a day. after three days of this I went to my usual workout spot and spoke with the owner who know's a lot about healthy eating. To my dismay I found out that I was pretty much starving myself.

The Zone

After the conversation I had with my, "food guru" let's call him, I decided to try the zone. In a nutshell this diet is more of a healthy lifestyle choice that consists of equal :block: portions of protein, carbohydrates, and fat.
I combined high intensity workouts with my diet, 2 times a week at Crossfit Colosseum. (later I will begin to document my workouts along with my progress)

This was starting to prove successful. I weighed myself and discovered I had lost 5lbs of weight already. Wohoo for me. However, circumstances should not be forgiving, for I had 2, yes you read that right, 2 chicken burgers with all the fixings at a birthday BBQ. After spending one week on the straight and narrow, I was starting to feel better, I was seeing results, yet I sabotaged myself. I didn't stop there, I had cookies for dessert, and when I had gotten home I just couldn't stop myself and devoured some cheesie's to flush it all down, the beer was Delicious also might I add.

So here I am, back to square one, and starting my one month once again from scratch. I CAN do this.

Diagnosis: Bust
Progress : None

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Jersey Shore

I just want to put in my two sense on the wonder that is Jersey Shore. Yes I admit I am severely addicted to this chaotic reality t.v. show, but what girl doesn't like a little drama that isn't her own?

Tonight during my weekly ritual of reality t.v., I started becoming more and more angry for the way they are subjecting themselves and the girls in this program. There are two main concerns.

Number 1.
Guido- Why do they call themselves Guido's? The seaside house definition of this term is a person from Italian descent who is immaculately manicured and polished with darkly tanned skin, in other words, A+ hotness and sex appeal. After thinking of what the real definition is, I pulled out the dictionary and this is what I got: )
Guido (English pronunciation: /ˈɡwiːdoʊ/) is a slang term for a lower-class or working-class urban Italian-American. The Guido stereotype is multi-faceted. Originally, it was used as a demeaning term for Italian-Americans in general. More recently, it has come to refer to Italians who conduct themselves as thugs with an overtly macho attitude.[1] The time period in which it obtained the latter meaning is not clear, but some sources date it to the 1970s or 1980s
A sad pathetic excuse for a male; not necessarily of Italian descent, but most likely; usually native to the New York/New Jersey Tri-State area.

Now my question is, what self respecting person would put themselves in this category? In tonight's episode I was so proud of snooki for sticking up for her self after Vinny so impolitely grabbed her hand and offered to go "smoosh",she said "I am someones first priority". Good for you Snooks!

Number 2.
Grenade:The solitary ugly girl always found with a group of hotties. From

At first when the cast was using the term "grenade", I thought it rather funny, however after it's repetitious use, I began to feel subjected to the term.
There are many beautiful women they label by this term, and it baffles me. Then I really started to think about it after tonight's episode. There was a larger woman having a good time at the same club the housemates were attending, she seemed to be having the time of her life whereas Pauly D. did everything in his power to avoid and vocally point out her flaws. Any descent human being would take it lightly and be polite to those less fortunate. Why is it that in order to go to a club and have an exciting fun night engaging in dancing and social drinking with friends, needs to be a :bombshell:. There are all types of people in the world, and that shouldn't prevent any of us doing things that we enjoy. These indecencies can really damage a person, maybe she wanted to go out and take a day off from her everyday stresses and just be one of the girls like anyone else.

In conclusion, I have lost a tremendous amount of respect for these people, I can't say boys will be boys, for the simple fact you need to know when to draw the line!

Diet start time!

It can be very perplexing the human body, as much as we would like it to be self sufficient, it isn't. When we are young our weight seems to be very stable.

In my case, no matter how lazy I was, or how much I ate, I stayed slim and trim. Now that I'm older I have realized that after gaining a few pounds, the weight is no longer easy to melt away as it did in my youth! After a significant gain of Cheetos' and Super Burger, and a severe depression of the dramatic body change, I have decided, once again, to healthy up and stick to it!

For the next month I will be documenting my progress, fails and feelings of my much needed attempt of a "diet". Why am I making this public you ask? The only answer I can give to you readers is, "well why not"? I hope, in my potential success, that it will motivate others who need the extra "push", and if I fail, to learn what NOT to do.

This is my journey.....