Thursday, March 31, 2011

Week Two...


After speaking yet again with my "food guru", we've decided that I should eliminate all grains and dairy for one month. The thought was easy, however putting it into action was entirely different all together. On the dairy side, I have eliminated all of the creamy goodness other than the little bit of coffee mate I use in my coffee.

This past week I have done my routine x2 workouts at Crossfit, my arm muscles are getting stronger and larger, I have substituted many of my meats with protein powder to reach my daily intake percentage. However, the protein powder may not be agreeing with me, for the past week after taking a protein shake, I have been feeling very ill and on one occasion followed through with this outside the subway station. I have been feeling very bloated, and seems that my belly may actually be getting larger. Now my first thought was maybe I was pregnant, but after a pregnancy test showing negative, I am definitely going with the protein powder. I am looking into an organic, higher protein count supplement.

Week two, .5 of a fail but on to a better start.

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